Archive for February, 2012

Former Senator Arlen Specter denies promising Rick Santorum conservatives on the Supreme Court.

Mike Papantonio appears on MSNBC‘s The Ed Show to talk about Romney’s Olympic hypocrisy, and Santorum’s war against women.

It seems that everyone’s crazy Uncle (Ron Paul) is giving the GOP establishment shits and fits.  No one within the party wants him to succeed, but they don’t know what to do with him either.  After approximately 20 GOP debates only the strong are left standing. Ron Paul is among the GOP presidential hopefuls that are still striving to get to the White House. On Tuesday Floridians will cast their votes in Florida’s primaries and although Mitt Romney is the GOP favorite, Ron Paul has an intimidating support base and poses a real threat to the Republican establishment, according to some. A petition has started an attempt to make remove Paul from the race.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spending $10 million on ads primarily attacking (conservative) Democrats as well as ads supporting Republicans.

President Obama urges Congress to extend the payroll tax cut to prevent a tax hike on 160 million hardworking Americans.