Archive for October, 2011

Former Navy Commander Jeffrey D. Gordon, Pentagon spokesman for the Western Hemisphere, first made headlines as Guantanamo Bay Chief Spokesman

Last night, Herman Cain‘s Chief campaign spokesman Jefferey Gordon, made headlines by repeatedly evading questions posed by  Geraldo Rivera about Herman Cains Sexual harassment allegations. It turns out Jeffery Gordon has made false allegations of Sexual harrasment himself!  Former Navy Commander Jeffrey D. Gordon,  previously the Pentagon spokesman for the Western Hemisphere, first made headlines as Guantanamo Bay Chief Spokesman.  Outlined below are the allegations made by Former Navy Commander Jeffrey D. Gordon.  (Richard Emanuel-“Reclaim America from the Lunatic Fringe!)

Herman Cain’s Top Spokesman Once Accused Female Miami Herald Reporter of Sexual Harassment

(Kyle Munzenrieder/Miami NewTimes)

Colorful characters involved in the Republican primary are about as common as minor scandals over at The Miami Herald, so it only makes sense that somehow those two worlds would collide.
Remember back in 2009 when a Navy spokesman at Guantanamo Bay accused veteran Herald reporter Carol Rosenberg of sexual harassment? Well, now the guy is working for Herman Cain.

While serving as the chief spokesman at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Navy Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon sent a letter to The Heraldaccusing Rosenberg of sexual harassment and making homophobic remarks.

He claimed Rosenberg barraged him with charming phrases like, “Have you ever had a red-hot poker shoved up your ass? …Admit it, you liked it.” He also claimed that Rosenberg freely referred to military personal, Government officials and competing journalists as “‘bitches,’ ‘stupid,’ ‘lazy,’ ‘incompetent,’ ‘Nazis,’ ‘Saddam Hussein-like,'”

After a Herald investigation, Rosenberg was allowed to continue her job. The paper said she was only guilty of a bit of profanity and some minor unprofessionalism.

Well, now Gordon has traded in his duties at Guantanamo for a top spokesman gig with the Herman Cain campaign. The Daily Caller asked Gordon about the 2009 incident.

“I don’t recall what it said,” Gordon said. “It was a couple years ago, but I just thought that the comments that she had been making had to stop, and so I talked to my office and sent the letter to her executive editor and they handled it in-house.

Gordon says that the matter was ultimately resolved in a “satisfactory manner.”

Of course, Rosenberg happened to be one of the toughest and most respected journos covering Guantanamo, and some questioned whether the complaint wasn’t a desperate attempt to get Rosenberg removed.

“Surely, the letter has nothing to do with the fact that Rosenberg has been a thorn in Gitmo’s side for more than four years,” wrote our own Tim Elfrink. “She has broken more news from the tightly controlled base than anyone else, including her scoop two weeks ago about a prisoner protest.”

So keep an eye on how the Cain campaign deals with unfriendly journalists. If they start accusing every person who asks tough questions of sexual harassment, don’t be too surprised. Then again, it remains entirely possible that Rosenberg is just an inappropriate curmudgeon.

Update: Rosenberg has sent Riptide a statement on Gordon’s complaints, calling them part of “a long string of abusive efforts” aimed at curtailing her work in Guantanamo. Here’s what she wrote about Cain’s spokesman:
“The record is clear. Gordon’s claims were unfounded, part of a long string of abusive efforts to block meaningful coverage of Guantanamo.
He was removed from Guantanamo responsibilities, I was not. No further comment is merited.”

Pastor Terry Jones

The infamous right-wing Christian pastor Terry Jones (known for his radical views on Muslims and Islam) is entering the 2012 Presidential race. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur explains.

The nutty pastor of a fringe religious group who sparked deadly riots in Afghanistan this year by burning the Koran announced Wednesday that he’s running for president.

(ALIYAH SHAHID/NY Daily New)Terry Jones’ campaign, Stand Up for AmericaNow, issued a press release laying out his platform, which includes deporting “all illegals,” bringing home all of the country’s military personnel until America gets its economic house in order and reducing corporate taxes and bureaucracy.

“Please financially support us as we continue our stand against radical Islam,” the press release states.

The hate-spewing Florida preacher became infamous when he planned to burn a Koran near Ground Zero on last year’s 9/11 anniversary. He later cancelled the event, after many, including President Obama, urged him to call off the “stunt.”

Jones, however, went back on his word and oversaw a Koran burning in front of a crowd of approximately 50 people on March 20 in Gainesville, Fla.

It sparked violent protests in Afghanistan, where an angry mob overran a U.N. mission in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif, killing at least 30 people, including seven U.N. workers and injuring at least 150 people.

Jones insisted he wasn’t to blame.

Although he insists he’s running for a seat in the Oval Office, Jones has not filed official paperwork with the Federal Election Commission.

President Obama Takes decisive action

Pres. Obama promotes his “we can’t wait” campaign and attacks Republicans for not “paying attention” to the economy.

The Super Committee the culmination of crappy politics

We all knew that the idea of forming a Super Committee with no way of breaking a deadlock, was shitty idea…. and as the deadline approaches… we realize, it’s wasn’t just a shitty idea…. it was a complete waste of time and tax payer money.

Imagine a world without Muslim fear mongering…or bias corporate ideology. Sure sounds nice huh? In tonight’s Daily Take, I’ll tell about a world missing one particular “news” network.

Clear, concise, and to the point… Jake Lamar lays out the case for supporting a President that so many love to hate.

After his 2004 campaign for the U.S. Senate, Herman Cain went into the talk radio business, with a little political punditry on the side. Below is a Dec. 13, 2006, piece of fortune-telling  by Cain – who is an avid golfer. It goes without saying that this was written before Tiger Woods’ wife took after him with a five-iron:

The current announced crop of 2008 Republican presidential contenders is about as inspiring as Saturday’s leftovers for Monday’s lunch. John McCain. We’ve seen that movie. Do we have to watch the sequel? Rudy Giuliani. Great leader, hates terrorists, but farther to the left than a Blue Dog Democrat. Mitt Romney. Where does he stand on the issues today?

Thankfully, as Monday turns to Tuesday, hope springs eternal for Friday night when, in my case, I order two pieces of fried catfish fillet and my favorite sides from my favorite restaurant. No more leftovers, no more cold sandwiches, just wide-eyed visions of spicy catfish with a dash of Tabasco. Which leads us to the 2016 presidential race. And Eldrick “Tiger” Woods.

ScreenShot154Tiger Woods at the 2011 Masters in Augusta. Brant Sanderlin,

The next president, likely a lifelong politician with too much inside-the-Beltway circular thinking, will have finished his two terms by 2016. By then we will still be victims of Beltway politics-as-usual and impotent leadership from both parties. The voters will long for a candidate who inspires the nation with an unwavering passion to fix problems and place policy over politics.

Tiger will be 40 years old in 2016. The Republican Party should begin grooming him now for a run at the White House. His personal attributes and accomplishments on the golf course point to a candidate who will be a problem solver, not a politician.

Tiger’s success on the golf course, which will translate to success in the White House, is a product of his character, discipline and leadership by example. Tiger has one objective when he steps up to the first tee – win. The Republicans desperately need a candidate who will not seek personal legacies through political victories that compromise conservative ideology and increase the scope of federal government. Tiger’s legacy is already set.

This year Tiger, at the age of 30, became the youngest golfer in history to amass 50 PGA victories. He currently has 54 career victories, fifth on the all-time list. Tiger already has 12 victories in major tournaments, second to Jack Nicklaus’ 18 major wins. And, this year Tiger won a record seventh PGA Player of the Year Award. After dominating his competitors for so many years, do you really think Tiger wants to schlep around the Senior Tour when he turns 50?

History may bode well for a Tiger Woods presidential bid. In 1952, Dwight Eisenhower, then a popular former World War II general and Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe, cruised to victory with 83 percent of the electoral vote over political insider Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic governor of Illinois. In 1980, Ronald Reagan, a former actor and governor of California, won 90 percent of the electoral vote over sitting President Jimmy Carter. To say Americans today are disillusioned with Congress and the President is an understatement. A November 6 Fox News/ Opinion Dynamics poll found 38 percent approval of President Bush, and just 29 percent approval of Congress.

Tiger has surely contemplated both his future goals in golf and his next challenges when he retires from the game. How refreshing to have a political outsider run for president again. I mercifully don’t sense many phony platitudes toward a “compassionate” streak in Tiger. This is the same guy who beat the 1997 Masters Tournament field by 12 strokes – a record that still stands – at the age of 21, and then stated, “I’ve never played an entire tournament with my A-game. This was pretty close.”

Imagine what he would do to Islamic terrorists and Nancy Pelosi.

If the Democrats maintain control of Congress and the presidency through 2016, the big issues of restructuring Social Security, replacing the tax code and instilling free market forces in the health care system will still not be fixed. If the Republican Party regains the majority in Congress and retains the presidency, there is no guarantee that they will have the courage to make bold changes. Only an outsider will possess the leadership and the conviction to tackle the big issues without regard for the polls, media spin or inane promises of bipartisanship.

Tiger Woods could be an inspiring figure for the country, the likes of which we have not seen since Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ronald Reagan. Tiger’s late father Earl Woods said in 1996 that the then-young golfer “will do more than any other man in history to change the course of humanity.” The elder Woods added, “I made him a promise.’You’ll never run into another person as mentally tough as you.’ He hasn’t. And he won’t.”

The Republican presidential candidate in 2016 must not come from inside the Beltway. He must come from inside the fairway, for all of us.

Cain would eventually endorse Mitt Romney in the 2008 presidential contest. And note the “problem-solver, not a politician” line — that’s now one of Cain’s standard stump phrases.

– By Jim Galloway, Political Insider

Posted: October 4, 2011 in Uncategorized

Posted: October 3, 2011 in Uncategorized

Dandelion Salad

by Walter Brasch
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
September 28, 2011

Parents demanded it be banned.

School superintendents placed it in restricted sections of their libraries.

It is the most challenged book four of the past five years, according to the American Library Association (ALA).

“It” is a 32-page illustrated children’s book, And Tango Makes Three, by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson, with illustrations by Henry Cole.

View original post 921 more words

Posted: October 1, 2011 in Uncategorized