Archive for November, 2011

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich took aim at President Obama while campaigning in South Carolina, expressing suspicion about his background as a community organizer in Chicago.

America has a short memory. Well at least Republican‘s do.  They forget how Newt Gingrich was fined over $300,000 by The House Ethics committee for wrong doing.  They forget  Newt’s many marriages and many affairs. They forget that he was once an advocate of Climate Change science, and they forget he just recently ran up a half million dollar tab at Tiffany’s causing much of his campaign staff to quit in disgust. But it’s OK if Republican’s forget, because We will remember each issue for them! Starting Now!

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The latest report from the Treasury Department‘s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, revealing that 10 of the top U.S. lenders may have illegally foreclosed on up to 5,000 active duty service members. Garofalo points out that “robo-signing” systems made it possible for lenders to approve documents without actually looking at them: “The banks were trying to cut corners on tens of thousands of foreclosures.”

Private employers added over 200,000 jobs in November, Standard and Poors downgraded the biggest banks in the U.S., and according to a study 35 million Americans despise “having to be nice” around the holidays. 


On a campaign stop in Miami Tuesday, Mitt Romney told reporters President Obama’s re-election campaign does not want to see him as the Republican nominee and is also afraid to face him in the general election.

Protesters broke into two British diplomatic buildings in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on Tuesday, sparking an international outcry. A group of demonstrators managed to get through the gates of the British embassy and steal various items including a portrait of the Queen. They burnt the Union Jack and replaced it with the Iranian flag.

Is the Fat lady about to sing? Credible sources say so…. Herman Cain‘s campaign chairman in the key state of Iowa is telling The Associated Press that the candidate is reassessing his presidential campaign a day after an Atlanta businesswoman alleged a 13-year extramarital affair with the Republican.

The Tea Party point of view of ‘no compromise whatsoever’ is not a point of view that will eventually produce a presidential candidate who will win,” he said on ABC’s “This Week With Christiane Amanpour.”

Powell said taking the no-compromise position isn’t helping get things done in Washington, and called on members of Congress to “come back to the center to compromise” in order to see progress.

“Compromise is how this country was founded,” he said, offering as an example the issue of slavery. “Can you imagine more difficult compromises today?” he asked. “We have a Congress now that can’t even pass an appropriations bill.”

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Most Americans are spending Thanksgiving snug inside homes. But in New York, Occupy organizers handed out thousands of Thanksgiving meals at Zuccotti Park, where the protest movement began on Sept. 17 before spreading nationwide. (Nov. 24)

President Obama wishes the American people a happy Thanksgiving — and gives a special thanks to the brave men and women serving overseas and those giving back to their communities during the holidays.